
now Christmas is sort of over

slowly dismantle Christmas decorations - though old calendar Christmas and Orthodox Christmas has just occurred...and traditional, a few centuries back, Christmas decorations were left up until Candlemas

HERE'S A LINK TO AN ALBUM of photos and three videos


thinking books, artist books, making books, why books

Art books Artists' books

narrative artist creating sequential work (beginning, middle, ending – or not); maybe it is just the way I like to tidy up an idea

If the book is the optimum form (and in print not totally handmade) then that is the way to go. The book looking at its best – optimum – as a print. The print as original.

Roy Fisher: form the book to suit the idea

Think by making.

The haptic experience of a book – art to touch

Seeing mercury glass beads fogs my memory, touching them takes me back to then

In the library is the book more about its content than it’s materiality?

I like it when I buy ex-library books that have the plastic/PVC jacket: the textured seam around the edges, the scent of the PVC.

Do we have language to describe touch?

Book as object is complicated.

I couldn’t help myself from seeing documenting journeys using books.

Journeys using books being documented.

Disrupt the narrative: footnotes. time and space

Complete placeness.

Pleasing object internal logic space paper space between the paper.

The duration of the page.

Dust jackets: dust jackets arrived in the 1830s, most books were bound for the reader. What is a dust jacket? It keeps the book clean. New uses unfolded: advertising the press, the publisher, the author. Has it become an object in its own right? Is it a translation of the book into another form: visual, typography, style? As an act of translation how does it function? Or is it about attention, commerce – is that still translation? Offering the potential reader a look, a feel, a status that appeals.

The text on the dust jacket/cover what does that communicate? The font, the arrangement...

You can’t judge a book by its cover, they say

Marco Sonzogni Re-Covered Rose: A case study in book cover design as intersemiotic translation ISBN 9789027211903

    side thoughts on mantelpiece – Lady’s mantle

What is illustration? Illumination? Or are we back at translation?

The silence or non silence of colour.

Look: Lygia Clark. Dialogue of hands one two three book PDF article essay

Lygia Pape 

cross disciplinary : multidisiplinary

neither are interdisciplinary – are they still viewed as one discipline with another rather than a web, a muddle of things, a cocktail even. Contradictions find the edges.

synthesis. nondisciplinary. peeling. Unfolding. Multi-inter.

Can’t disregard the paper, the book is not just the invisible support. Words and book created conterminously

Active reading

Sam Winston the visual materiality of language one the archaeology of the process

the new concrete (poetry)

a memory palace – a non linear book (how?) similarity

Irma Boon lecture architecture of the book vimeo

craft isn’t just about materiality, it is the whole procedure, the whole process, the skills, knowing how to solve the problem you have set yourself. Think by making.

The scroll: round and round the shoreline of things.

Wyneb – surface – surf (rolling surf) : shoreline margins bleed

Embodiment: data to material.

Drawing breath. (the language of meditation pops up now and then)

metalinks – migrated technology. Hypertext – footnotes.

Listen. Silence required. For creation and consumption.

    Ash keys hang at an angel like starlings that sit in other trees

books I have made


Remaking the world each day with what we have already

 A new planet created from things I had to hand: paper, arrowroot,  glue, ink and paint - photographed then cropped and shadowed digitally. Then taken apart and made afresh …

We have everything we need here on our planet, we don’t need to search for a new planet, but refresh how we think and feel and act in terms of our consumption and how we might share in, rather than share out.

Quakers in Britain: From Minute 36 our Canterbury Commitment:

“We need to arrive at a place in which we all take personal responsibility to make whatever changes we are called to. At the same time, we need to pledge ourselves to corporate action. The environmental crisis is enmeshed with global economic injustice and we must face our responsibility as one of the nations which has unfairly benefited at others’ expense, to redress inequalities which, in William Penn’s words, are ‘wretched and blasphemous.’ (Quaker faith & practice 25.13)”

Minute 36 leaflet

Here is a link to images of the process

Made during Voices of the Earth in the late summer of 2020, an online creative course with Woodbrooke Study Centre with Zélie & Philip Gross.
It worked well as outreach as I told lots of people I was doing a Quaker creative course! Having Woodbrooke courses available online (even with rural internet) has been so supportive to my spiritual life and in this case my artistic life, but then they overlap each other.


Japanese matchboxes

I have a collection of Japanese matchboxes and I am going to photograph them. They will go to the section under Japanese art: matchboxes on Pinterest, where I also collect up other people's matchboxes!

Tea Room Sakaeya

a hand printed paper

the match boxes are still boxes, I have photographed the surfaces and put together digitally

eventually I might post some more on this blog


slow snow walk


You might need to go to vimeo to watch as I can't make the embed code full screen

being moth and bat


I follow my antennae; I am filled with the scent of August flowers, honeysuckle the densest scent, thick. Evening primroses phosphoresce as dusk falls, sending out a sharper scent. Heady stuff on a foggy, humid night. And then, and then … the scent of the other, it drifts from miles. The wings flutter, shift the air, with powder touches.  * I follow the sound, the bouncing back of my sound. Fluid flutter and zig zag under the trees over the open space. * The moth hears and plummets.

making planets

I made a bowl with paper "fabric, water, arrowroot, acrylic ink, then gouache on the base, then photographed and cropped etc in photoshop, then took apart the bowl and made 2 more bowls and more planets... 

There is a set of images on Flickr here's a link to the set - a snippet of them below